Bluestem Montessori Elementary

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November 2016 Update

October was an exciting month for Bluestem!

Our biggest news is that we have submitted all the paperwork, including attachments, explanations, and various schedules, to get 501(c)(3) status from the IRS!  That means that as soon as we get our provisional status, any donations you make will be tax deductible.  It also opens the doors for all kinds of other fundraising opportunities - most grants are only available to approved non-profits, and many restaurants and groups will only do fundraisers with approved non-profits.  So coming soon: boxtops, more dine-out nights (PANERA BREAD, ANYONE?), and lots and lots of grant writing.

We continue to work on board recruitment.  If you are interested in serving on our board, please talk with us!  We are looking primarily for experience and passion.  We could really use expertise in the following areas: law, finance, and fundraising and donor recruitment.     

We have also been working on upcoming fundraisers.  Our online Norwex fundraiser is happening NOW - feel free to browse!  I even got some Christmas shopping done - my kids will flip out over these cute hand towels, and I won't have to pick up dirty towels they throw on the floor any more.  Win-win.  We are so grateful to Marissa Olson for donating her time and 30% of all sales to us, and to Children’s Circle Montessori for hosting our in-person fundraiser on November 3!  We’re also working hard to get our December 10 Barnes and Noble bookfair fundraiser put together. 

Our first published media will be coming out this month - Lincoln Kids! will feature us in an article, and we also have placed an ad alongside.  Look for us in the November-December-January issue.

Finally — and most exciting — we are ready to open the hiring process for our Lead Teacher for our Elementary I classroom.  This person will be instrumental in our school, obviously - s/he will help shape our culture and be a guide for our children!  As soon as this hire is finalized, we will open the hiring process for our Assistant (another critical position).  I am extremely excited to build the team that will bring this school to life.  Please contact us for more information if you’d like to apply for this awesome opportunity!

Until next time,
